
My Favorite Links

Stumble Upon

Stumbleupon Stumbleupon is a discovery engine that finds and recommends web content to its users. It was founded in 2001 and since then young people and adults have been using its service. I typically find myself on stumbleupon when I am supposed to be doing school work. It always proves to be a way to pass time.


In a society where technology thrives, so do social media sites. Communicating via the internet started casually with email, progressed to instant messenger, and now various other social media. Among these trending social sites is a website where you can express whatever you want to your followers as long as you do it under 140 characters. Its a lot of fun posting and reading what other people have to say.

Hot New Hip Hop

New Music

I am really into music and listening to the best and newest stuff out. This website keeps me up to date with the newest songs, artist, and mixtapes. There is a "Top 100" section in the website that gets changed weekly and this is where I discover the most exclusive music.


videos This website is popular amongst the younger generations as it is a product of 2005. Youtube is a website which contains many videos dealing with various things. Anyone is allowed to upload videos to the website as long as the video complies with youtube's video policies. I spend countless amounts of time on the website, wasting time while I am supposed to be working on other things. On the contrary, I have also watched documentaries and other videos used for teaching the audience something. Youtube is very informative. Typically if I do not know how to do something I consult the site to watch someone accomplish the same thing I am trying to do. Actions speak louder than words and I think its easier to learn something if you physically watch how to do it.